Prices & packages
At Lanterna Elite, we offer a range of meticulously curated online tutoring packages, spanning from 5 to 180 hours, each tailored to meet the unique academic ambitions of our discerning clientele. Simply select the subject and the package that best aligns with your academic goals. For those looking for a multi-disciplinary academic excellence, you may revisit this page to add additional subjects to your cart.
- Higher Tier Tutor Top Tier Tutor
Standard packages
Standard package
5 hours- Schedule and utilise your hours over the course of 6 months.
- Perfect for targeted improvement in specific subject areas.
- Ideal for preparation and improving understanding before a quiz or test.
- Opportunity to focus on effective study strategies and time management.
Standard package
5 hours- Schedule and utilise your hours over the course of 6 months.
- Perfect for targeted improvement in specific subject areas.
- Ideal for preparation and improving understanding before a quiz or test.
- Opportunity to focus on effective study strategies and time management.
Standard package
10 hours- Schedule and utilise your hours over the course of 6 months.
- Perfect for targeted improvement in specific subject areas.
- Ideal for preparation and improving understanding before a quiz or test.
- Opportunity to focus on effective study strategies and time management.
Standard package
10 hours- Schedule and utilise your hours over the course of 6 months.
- Perfect for targeted improvement in specific subject areas.
- Ideal for preparation and improving understanding before a quiz or test.
- Opportunity to focus on effective study strategies and time management.
Standard package
15 hours- Schedule and utilise your hours over the course of 6 months.
- Perfect for targeted improvement in specific subject areas.
- Ideal for preparation and improving understanding before a quiz or test.
- Opportunity to focus on effective study strategies and time management.
Standard package
15 hours- Schedule and utilise your hours over the course of 6 months.
- Perfect for targeted improvement in specific subject areas.
- Ideal for preparation and improving understanding before a quiz or test.
- Opportunity to focus on effective study strategies and time management.
Multi packages
Multi package
60 hours- Schedule and utilise your hours over the course of 10 months.
- Customised support from our expert tutors in up to 2 different subjects and/or assignments. Hours are split equally between subjects.
- Tailored to meet your individual academic needs and goals.
Multi package
60 hours- Schedule and utilise your hours over the course of 10 months.
- Customised support from our expert tutors in up to 2 different subjects and/or assignments. Hours are split equally between subjects.
- Tailored to meet your individual academic needs and goals.
Multi package
80 hours- Schedule and utilise your hours over the course of 10 months.
- Customised support from our expert tutors in up to 2 different subjects and/or assignments. Hours are split equally between subjects.
- Tailored to meet your individual academic needs and goals.
Multi package
80 hours- Schedule and utilise your hours over the course of 10 months.
- Customised support from our expert tutors in up to 2 different subjects and/or assignments. Hours are split equally between subjects.
- Tailored to meet your individual academic needs and goals.
Flex packages
Flex package
90 hours- Flexibility to distribute hours as you wish across your subjects.
- Schedule and utilise your tutoring hours over the course of 18 months.
- Ultimate personalised support that caters to your unique needs across multiple disciplines.
Flex package
90 hours- Flexibility to distribute hours as you wish across your subjects.
- Schedule and utilise your tutoring hours over the course of 18 months.
- Ultimate personalised support that caters to your unique needs across multiple disciplines.
Flex package
120 hours- Flexibility to distribute hours as you wish across your subjects.
- Schedule and utilise your tutoring hours over the course of 18 months.
- Ultimate personalised support that caters to your unique needs across multiple disciplines.
Flex package
120 hours- Flexibility to distribute hours as you wish across your subjects.
- Schedule and utilise your tutoring hours over the course of 18 months.
- Ultimate personalised support that caters to your unique needs across multiple disciplines.
Flex package
180 hours- Flexibility to distribute hours as you wish across your subjects.
- Schedule and utilise your tutoring hours over the course of 24 months.
- Ultimate personalised support that caters to your unique needs across multiple disciplines.
Flex package
180 hours- Flexibility to distribute hours as you wish across your subjects.
- Schedule and utilise your tutoring hours over the course of 24 months.
- Ultimate personalised support that caters to your unique needs across multiple disciplines.
Choose type of tutor
You can choose Higher Tier or Top Tier tutor.
What the difference?
Our Higher Tier tutors are IB teachers with extensive tutoring experience and excellent reviews from our student community.
Our Top Tier tutors are IB examiners who combine years of experience with outstanding IB support.
Your success, guaranteed.
Our Guarantee

- Expert Teachers: All of the teachers that we choose to be part of our exclusive team must undergo a stringent vetting process. They must not only have extensive professional teaching experience, but their teaching abilities must truly be a cut above the rest.
- 100% Satisfaction: If you’re not 100% satisfied with the support after two hours of your booked package, we’ll give you a complete refund.
- Quality Control: We check in personally with all of our students after their first session to make sure they are happy with their teacher and their learning experience. If they don’t meet your expectations, we’ll come up with a solution right away.
- Customer Support: We’re committed to providing long-term assistance during your entire IB journey. Rest assured, whenever you reach out to our customer support team, you’ll receive a response within 24 hours.

How it works
After your booking is confirmed, our team will immediately begin looking for IB teachers who are a perfect match for your preferences. There’s no need for you to scroll through pages of profiles to find the right teacher for you – we will provide you with a bespoke proposal so you can choose the right tutor for your family.

Select a package or book a consultation
We offer flexible packages designed to suit each student’s unique needs, from five sessions for specific assignments to continuous tutoring throughout the academic year. Our advisors are on hand to help you create your ideal educational attainment plan.

Choose your perfect teacher
We filter our extensive network of IB teachers and examiners to find the one who best matches your requirements. We will then provide you with a bespoke proposal of the teachers that we believe would suit your needs best.

Start your learning journey
After we have found your match, your teacher will get in touch to schedule your first online video call. During this call, you will discuss your goals, agree on a plan of action, and embark on your personalised learning journey.